Taopu Zhichuang City Planning Exhibition Hall

Taopu Zhichuang City Planning Exhibition Hall belongs to the government planning museum. It is located at the original site of the heroic gold pen factory of the former state-owned unit of Qilianshan Road in Putuo District. Every year, the leaders of the central, provincial and municipal levels visited and inspected. Customers expect us to demonstrate the transformation and future planning of the Taopu Zhichuang City Park through the latest digital technology.

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Case information

  • Project customer:Shanghai Taopu Zhichuangcheng Development and Construction Co., Ltd.
  • Application scenario:Building 2, No. 127, Qilianshan Road
  • Presentation mode:Hyperboloid naked eye 3D crystal immersive theater / core technology transparent touch screen / key items single screen interactive interaction / BIM phantom imaging / Taopu legend long strip LED screen
  • Deliverables:Multimedia exhibition hall

Project background and challenges

  • Taopu Zhichuang City Planning Exhibition Hall belongs to the government planning museum. It is located at the original site of the heroic gold pen factory of the former state-owned unit of Qilianshan Road in Putuo District. Every year, the leaders of the central, provincial and municipal levels visited and inspected. Customers expect the multimedia exhibition hall of Shanghai Crystal Stone to display the transformation and future planning of Taopu Zhichuang City Park through the latest digital technology. From the time we receive customer demand to the official delivery of the showroom, it takes only 38 days. It is a great challenge for the team to deliver the showroom that exceeds the customer's expectations during such a tight period.

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